9 years ago the dream began…


We are two brothers from the Milwaukee area who had a dream 9 years ago of opening a brewery together. As high school science teachers, we wanted to put our science background to good use. While most dreams remain just that, we decided to take action. We both completed an immersion course at Colorado Boy Brewing Company in Ridgeway, CO. Once the course was finished, Ben got to work on perfecting his craft back in WI, and Dan decided that it was best to move out west and attend Regis University in Denver, CO for their craft brewing certificate program.

A few years later, and with the support of our amazing wives and families, we purchased an awesome building located in downtown West Allis in late 2020. After a long period of construction and renovations, the brewery finally opened June 4, 2022.

Life is too short to not follow your dreams. We hope to spark ideas, promote optimism, and facilitate meaningful conversation amongst family and friends in our community through our inspirational craft beverages. Hopefully we will inspire someone else to follow their dreams after they leave our taproom.